Estate Coffee Copenhagen Roaster risteri åbner hver onsdag 14.00 til 18.00

Kig ind og få en kop kaffe og en snak med en af vores ristere. Der vil kunne købes friskristede såvel som uristede grønne bønner fra nogle af vores primære relationsfarme og kooperativer fra bla. Costa Rica, Kenya, Guatemala, Nicaragua og Brasilien.

Kl. 12.00-16.00 hver tirsdag.

onsdag den 21. april 2010

Estate coffee kaffebar vil de næste dage kunne præsentere en Guatemala espresso i absolut verdensklasse!

Estate coffee kaffebar præsenterer en Lot#: 3 Las Macadamias 

 Her er lidt info om kaffen som vist på

Overview Las Macadamias is an experimental farm of El Injerto.
Located to the south of El Injerto, with an area of 12.4 has and an
elevation of 5000 to 5800 feet Las Macadamias is at La Libertad,
Las Macadamias used to be part of the El Injerto farm founded in
the 1890`s. For different reasons the farm was separated from
El Injerto as well as others, but it has been worked with the same
hard work, passion and quality control.
In this farm we try different agricultural practices, as pruning types,
fertilizers, weed control and even varieties; this help us evaluate
different methods and if they work we use them at large. The
majority of the plantation is a natural blend of Catuai and
Bourbon, and a small area in the top of 100% Bourbon.
Guatemalan Coffee Website

Farm: Las Macadamias
Farmer: Las Macadamias, S. A.
Rank: 3
City: La Libertad, Huehuetenango
Region: Huehuetenango
Country: Guatemala
Farm Size: 12.40 Hectares
Coffee growing area: 20.00 Hectares
Altitude: 1905 masl
Top Jury Descriptions: Aroma/Flavor- jasmine, hibiscus, apricot, apples, lemon grass, chocolate, strawberry coconut, grape, Acidity- sharp and clean, tropical fruit, bright, crisp lively, Notes-Big coffee, soft, elegant, solid, rich, balanced 
Variety: Bourbón
Processing System: Sun and dryer
Lot Size: 42 boxes
Pounds: 3,232.00

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